e15 e15 Design und Distributions GmbH


Philipp Mainzer

Born in Germany, Philipp Mainzer studied product design at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, and architecture at the Architectural Association both in London. In 1995, Philipp Mainzer co-founded the furniture brand e15. He has received international awards for many of his designs, which are identifying icons for e15 and part of several permanent museum collections. Parallel to the creation of e15, Philipp Mainzer practiced architecture in New York and continues to do so since his return to Germany in 2001. He is a member of the executive committee of German Design Council and honorary member of the Deutsche Designer Club. Having established the progressive and enduring appeal of e15 with Farah Ebrahimi, his partner and art director, Philipp Mainzer is creative and managing director of the brand and PMO, his office for architecture and design.